Women’s Club donates $5,000 to GJ Community Center

GJ photoThe $5,000 donation recently presented by Marie Moran (left) on behalf of the Grand Junction Women’s Club to the Grand Junction Community Center project represents proceeds from a chili supper last fall and a lot of rummage, laughter and canasta.

Larry Pote (right), a member of the Community Center finance committee accepted the check as mayor Jerry Herrick looked on.

The Women’s Club has held an ongoing rummage sale every Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon at the current community center since 2012. They gather most weekdays to sort and tend donated items. The conversation flows, and when there isn’t enough to keep them busy, they play canasta. They share favorite recipes, their joys, their concerns and their lives. And they raise money for new appliances for the Community Center.

Members of the Grand Junction Women’s Club with Moran are Marilyn Paxton, Betty Grundon, Alma Collins, Viola Brown, Shirley Herrick and Alice Fritz.

The club’s donation brings the total donations to more than $70,000, not including a grant from the Greene County Community Foundation for design consulting. Donations to the Grand Junction Community Center can be sent to PO Box 383, Grand Junction, IA  50107. Persons who would like more information about the project can call 515-370-1675.


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